


Most of the bloggers and webmaster are using Infolinks In-Text Advertising program in their Blog for the purpose of Making Money but I prefer Viglink over other In-Text Advertising Network because it converts Non-Monetized links into Monetized one and thus helps you in making money online. If your blog gets a decent amount of visitors, you can really earn a Decent Amount by using Viglink. In this post, I will provide full information about Viglink and its working.

How Does Viglink Make Money

It is a two process which means Publishers earn money from Viglink and Viglink earn money due to their publishers. It keeps 25% of the revenue generated by the clicks on Publisher’s website. Most of the time, It monetize the existing links of a blog/website and pay 75% commission to the Publishers. However, it also place its new links that didn’t exist before and earn revenue for that as well. They provide good commission to the Publishers which is really good

Does Earning Depend Upon Number Of Clicks On Link?

Actually, Viglink monetize links to thousands of retailers. Some are CPA(Cost Per Action) while others are CPC(Cost Per Click). It means that, in case of CPA ads, You will make money,if selling or purchasing takes place through the link placed on your site. On the other hand, for CPC Ads, you will make money on every click on the link placed on your website.

How Does Viglink Pay Publishers?

Viglink only Pays through PayPal. There is no Minimum or threshold Amount which is really a relief for the publishers who gets very less visitors. The payment method works on net-60 day basis which means that the revenue you accrue in August will be paid to you at the end of October. Payment are made at the end of each month

Platforms Supported By Viglink

Currently, Viglink supports below given Platforms:

How To Install Viglink In Any Website Or Blog?

Viglink has made the task of Webmasters much more easier by providing a simple script. You can simply copy-paste the Script above</body> tag. You can find the Script by

If you are the user of Above Mentioned platform, simply click on the link of your Platform and follow the on –Screen instructions.

From The Editor’s Desk

Viglink is really an Awesome platform for the Publishers. I am also using it on this blog and have got a good result as well. You can also Earn Money Online by using Viglink Network so just give it at least a try. If you want to start Earning Money with Viglink, Create an Account by clicking on below given Button:

You must have used Infolinks, Conter and other in-text advertising network for making money online. Just try to Earn Money Online by using Viglink as well. Use this network and give me your feedback.